Financial Abundance: It's Okay to Like Money

Psst… I’m going to let you in on a little not-so-secret secret: it’s okay to like money! Actually, it’s more than okay because it is essential for our personal growth, empowerment, and the ability to make a positive impact in the world. I know some of us may feel uncomfortable talking about our relationship with money, but it’s time to change the negative belief and societal conditioning that surround our desires for financial abundance. 

We live in a society that often compares wanting more money with negative qualities like greed, selfishness, and materialism. As women, we are programmed to care about what others think of us, leading to a fear of being judged for desiring financial success. We’ve been taught that it’s okay to love people, experience, and things, but not money itself. These ideologies have become ingrained into our subconscious which is basically limiting our ability to advocate for ourselves and negotiate for higher pay raises. 

By suppressing our desire for financial abundance, we undervalue ourselves and limit our potential. This negatively impacts our self-esteem, mental health, and overall sense of worthiness. We become stuck in the cycle of feeling trapped and small, thinking that we don’t deserve more than what we have. This limiting mindset, prevents us from thinking outside the box, exploring new opportunities, and ultimately prevents us from finding financial abundance. It’s time to break away from these beliefs and recognize the detrimental effects they have on our lives, especially as women. 

What if we reframed our perspective of money and instead of viewing it as the root of all evil, we saw it as a tool that enables us to have resources? Money symbolizes freedom and flexibility giving you the opportunity to create a life you love. It gives us the ability to take care of our responsibilities without stress, access good healthcare, and spend quality time with our loved ones. Whether we like it or not, money gives us the power of choice. The choice to decide how we live, work, and contribute to the world. 

When we feel sorry for ourselves and start believing that we have limited options, this is when we fall into a victim mentality. When you feel this start to happen, take action! Even if it means investing in resources that alleviate stress and improve your well-being, take action. An example would be hiring a reliable babysitter. It might seem expensive but the relief and reduced anxiety it brings are invaluable. It’s not about hoarding for obsessing over money; it’s about empowering ourselves to gain financial abundance. 

But don’t assume that having more financial abundance only benefits you. It also has a positive impact on our communities and the world at large. Financial abundance allows us to fulfill our responsibilities like paying bills, supporting causes we care about, and giving back. It also grants us the freedom to say no, advocate for ourselves, and make choices that align with our values. When we challenge our belief system and embrace financial empowerment, we become agents of change, capable of making a difference for everyone. 

So, what does it mean to be a “good person”? It’s not about giving everything away, but rather providing for ourselves and families while also making a positive impact in our communities and the world. Financial abundance enables us to choose our relationships, careers, and lifestyles giving us the flexibility to leave situations that no longer serve us. Once we leave these situations, we can begin to support causes that align with our values. Having money gives us the opportunity to experience life differently, have fun, and create lasting memories with our loved ones. 

We deserve it to ourselves to change the stories we tell ourselves about money and our worthiness. Money is energy, and the more we have, the more we can use it to create positive changes in our lives and the lives of others. Financial abundance gives us the chance to explore the beliefs that hold us back and replace them with empowering ones. When we embrace financial empowerment, we can lead lives filled with freedom, flexibility, and joy. Give yourself permission to like money. Give yourself permission to want more money. Give yourself permission to use money as a force for good in the world. Give yourself permission to desire financial abundance. 

I know it might be difficult at this moment to begin to challenge your negative beliefs and societal conditioning surrounding your relationship with money. But when you recognize that it’s okay to like money and want more of it, you can start to empower yourself to create a life you truly desire. Financial abundance provides us with the resources to take care of ourselves and those around us. It’s okay to want to experience life to the fullest. When we redefine what it means to be a “good person” and embrace the power of financial empowerment and financial abundance, we can make a positive impact on our lives, our communities, and the world. 

If you’ve enjoyed this blog, check out my podcast, Money Isn’t Scary where I help people overcome their fear and negative associations with money by empowering individuals to take control of their finances.


Challenging the Belief: "I Can't Afford It"